How to apply


Participants have to be from a EURO member society country, or studying in a EURO member society country. They have to be enrolled in a PhD program and, preferably, in early stage of their studies. A maximum number of 35 participants will be accepted.

Scientific prerequisites

The interested students should know linear programming, mixed integer linear programming and a computer language.


Interested students should send the following documents to within January 31st, 2015:

  1. Application letter including:
    • Name, affiliation and email address
    • PhD program you are enrolled in, current stage of studies, your supervisor's name
    • Background possessed: linear programming, mixed integer linear programming, a computer language
    • Motivation to attend the School
    • Possible motivated request for financial support from VeRoLog (the registration fee of two students will be covered)
  2. Curriculum vitae
  3. A recommendation letter from the supervisor
  4. Accomodation requests:
    • Arrival and departure dates if different from June 24 and July 3
    • Person you are willing to share the twin room OR specify you prefer a single room at extra cost of 8 Euro per night